More preferred, light weight vacuums suffer from low dust capacity and low battery life
Popular wall-mounted charging vacuums can stick out and be visually and physically obtrusive. 
Users dislike their vacuums' bright colors that don’t fit their interior aesthetic.
Finances: Makes enough to cover basic living expenses, with some wiggle room for discretionary spending. May be managing student loans, car payments, or childcare costs.
Lifestyle: Organization and cleanliness. Enjoys spending time with family and friends. Leisure activities might include socializing, hobbies, entertainment, and occasional travel.
Values: Interior design, education, family, and financial security.
CMF research 
Before beginning the ideation process, current and future trends were explored to better understand what color, material, and finish would resonate most with.  
Design a vacuum cleaner that encourages regular use by being accessible and aesthetically pleasing when placed in a living space.
While researching current design trends, cylinder forms and pill shapes were prominent.
After settling on a user reviewed design, components were modeled and rendered. 
Manufacturing and Materials​​​​​​​

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