Guest seating in homes with limited space can take up valuable storage room and be cumbersome to setup. This can create barriers between hosting social events.
Market research found that existing guest seating often does not accommodate both children and adults creating a divide between generations.
Create a interactive, durable, and portable seating solution that encourages gatherings and enriches interactions between generations.
My 2D iterations left me with multiple interesting designs. After laser cutting these 1" prototypes, I took them to my peers and through their feedback and testing, I settled on my final shape.
Without the use of a CNC machine, I laser cut 8 1/8th" layers of my design, glued these layers together to gain the desired thickness, then sanded the burn marks away.
The dimensions were too short and table like for a stool...
Back to the drawing board.
Optimal seating dimensions that accommodate both children and adults were chosen based of user feedback, testing, and research.